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Trustor Details

Trustor Details

Children Details

Do you have Children?
Yes No

Successor Trustee

Who will be your Successor Trustee of your Trust after your Spouse?
You can add multiple.) The Successor Trustee takes over when you and your spouse die or are disabled.

Alternate Successor Trustee

Who will be your Alternative Successor Trustee of your Trust?

Who will be the Executor of your Will?

Who will be the Alternate Successor Executor of your Will?

Guardian Details

Who will be the Guardian of Your Minor Children and your Children's Estate?

This is the person you choose to be legally responsible for the estate of your children under the age of 18.

Alternate Guardian Details

Who will be the Alternate Guardian of Your Minor Children and your Children's Estate?

This person takes over if your first choice of your Guardian is unavailable.

Specific Gifts to Individuals or Organizations?

Are you leaving any gifts?
Yes No
( Jewelry, Family Heirlooms, Vehicles, Real Estate, Cash, act)


Details of the person receiving the gift.
This person receives the gift if the first beneficiary is unavailable.

Enter the distribution percentages(s) for your beneficiary(s.) What percentage of your estate should be distributed to each person?

Enter distribution percentages for each beneficiary below. Be sure the total of all beneficiary percentages is 100%!

Are there special distribution instructions such as a particular percentage distribution at a certain age or after a specific circumstance occurs for a specific beneficiary?
Yes No
Do you have any special instructions such as cremation, disposition of remains, funeral, or celebration of life wishes?
Yes No

Successor Agent for First Spouses Financial Power of Attorney?

Your spouse is your first Agent. The Successor Agent takes over when your Spouse is unable to serve.

Successor Agent for Second Spouses Financial Power of Attorney?

Your spouse is your first Agent. The Successor Agent takes over when your Spouse is unable to serve.

Agent for First Spouses Health Care Power of Attorney

Your Spouse is your first Agent and will handle your medical care and life support decisions. Your Successor Agent takes over if your Spouse is unavailable. You can name additional Successors.

Agent for Second Spouses Health Care Power of Attorney

Your Spouse is your first Agent and will handle your medical care and life support decisions. Your Successor Agent takes over if your Spouse is unavailable. You can name additional Successors.

Instructions for Pets

Do you wish to leave instructions for the care of your pets?
Yes No
( Jewelry, Family Heirlooms, Vehicles, Real Estate, Cash, act)
Are you providing a specific sum of money for your pet's care? If so, what is the amount you wish to set aside for your pet's care?
Yes No

Enter the child details you are disinheriting

Are you excluding/disinheriting any children?
Yes No

Enter the child details you are disinheriting

DATA Fileter:
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field_id: 3 entry_value: Shahrukh entry_value: 152
field_id: 3 entry_value: khan entry_value: 160
field_id: 3 entry_value: Testing entry_value: 171
field_id: 3 entry_value: Are you a US citizen? entry_value: 150
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field_id: 3 entry_value: Yes entry_value: 154
field_id: 3 entry_value: Xyz entry_value: 173
field_id: 3 entry_value: Farmington Hill entry_value: 165
field_id: 3 entry_value: Michigan entry_value: 158
field_id: 3 entry_value: 19711 entry_value: 151
field_id: 3 entry_value: MI entry_value: 177
field_id: 3 entry_value: Yes entry_value: 161
field_id: 3 entry_value: Yes entry_value: 191
field_id: 3 entry_value: 0 entry_value: 153
field_id: 3 entry_value: April 1, 2022 : entry_value: 196
field_id: 3 entry_value: Xyz Child entry_value: 174
field_id: 3 entry_value: 2022-04-26 entry_value: 179
field_id: 3 entry_value: Xyz step entry_value: 200
field_id: 3 entry_value: 2022-04-28 entry_value: 201

Trustee Details

First Name:
Last Name: